New Solar Farm Planned on 340ha land for Powering 50,000 households

Solar Farm

Haldon station is going solar. Last week, the high-country station announced a partnership with Lodestone Energy to create a solar farm on a 340ha land tract. Construction is set to begin in 2025, and the farm will generate 340GWh per year at full capacity, enough renewable energy to power approximately 50,000 households.

The Klisser family has held Haldon Station for nearly three decades, and it spans over 22,000 hectares. The chosen site had seen substantial wind erosion due to its dryness and insect infestation. The station spent several years researching strategies to lower its net emissions as well as potential uses for this underutilized land.

In addition to generating power, the farm’s architecture will aid in the restoration of grass beneath Haldon Station Farm, according to manager Paddy Boyd. “We believe, from research and observation on other well-planned developments on the property, that the partial shade and shelter from the panels will result in a beneficial effect on the lands below and will result in re-vegetation of the original native fauna and flora.”The station intends to ring-fence the area with rabbit netting and destock it completely to allow for full regrowth of the indigenous grasses.”

Lodestone Energy’s managing director, Gary Holden, claimed that commercial companies’ desire for 100% sustainable energy is increasing.

They were “helping the country move toward a zero-carbon future,” he stated. The Haldon Station project is the company’s fourth confirmed solar farm this year. It already has two North Island solar farms generating power, Kohirā and Rangitaiki, with three further projects in preparation or development.

The approval procedure for the project has begun, but the partnership was unable to confirm the cost of the solar farm yesterday. “By diversifying our production and expanding into the South Island, we’re helping meet our customers’ needs, giving them an alternative power option and playing a key role in meeting zero carbon goals” , according to Holden.

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